Vehicle Exhaust Extraction Rail Systems
Extraction-Rail systems, whilst based on standard components, are usually individually engineered
to suit client's requirements.
An Extraction-Rail system comprises a self-supporting aluminium rail, on which runs a sliding
crab or a number of sliding crabs. The crab can be equipped with a length of crushproof hose
with/withouthose balancer as required, the crab can also be fitted with a hose reel, arranged for
spring recoil or motorised recoil. Motorised sliding crabs with hose reel are also available.
Sliding crabs travel on teflon bearings/wheels. Normal mounting height for the rail is
approximately 4.0m above ground level.
Extraction-Rail systems are available in straight rail or return rail configuration. The
aluminium rail acts as a smooth-running track for the sliding crabs, at the same time acting as
an exhaust ventilation duct. The sliding crabs are complete with extraction hose and a variety of
options are available as illustrated opposite i.e. available with hose balancer, hose reel, either
of the spring recoil type or motorised. Also the slidingmovement of the crab can be motorised.
Extraction-Rail systems allow versatility within the workshop and provide
for ease of use. Simply slide the crab along the rail to the point of
use, pull down the hose, attach the nozzle to the exhaust pipe - following
use hose is automatically elevated keeping the workshop operating area